
The Gap Semester in Environmental Leadership

Welcome to the world's greatest outdoor laboratory!

looking out over lava fields

What is a gap year?

A gap year, also known as a sabbatical year, is a period of time when students take a break from their studies, usually after completing high school or before beginning graduate school.

There are many resources available to learn about gap years, gap year programs, and to learn if a gap program is right for you, and if so, how to plan and organize your gap year. Use the links below to learn more. Within this journey, we hope that the Gap Semester in Environmental Leadership will be a part of your gap year.

The Gap Year Association

We recommend the Gap Year Association website as a place to learn more about what a gap year is, whether or not a gap year is right for you, and how to go about selecting a gap year program.

Note: Hawaiʻi Gap is a member of the Gap Year Association.

gap year statistics

